Enchanting refers to the practice of adding bonuses to gear or weapons. In WoW Enchanting is vital for PvP and endgame PvE, and as you level it will give your gear an edge making the process a little more straightforward. The most important skill of Enchanters is the ability to disenchant. This spell lets players transform gear of any level and with at minimum Uncommon quality -- into various dusts, essences and crystals. But beware! The gear is destroyed during the process. In the higher levels, Enchanters' can add bonuses such as Enchant Gloves - Threat Enchant Weapon Executioner and Enchant Boots - surefooted.

Enchanting is unique in that there's no formal gathering profession that players usually combine with it. In reality, many Enchanters prefer to learn Tailoring alongside Enchanting to be capable of creating additional equipment to de-enchant. This is because of the pairing. Enchanting is most highly recommended for wearers of Cloth armor with any type, but all players can become Enchanters, regardless of if they choose that or not.
Training Enthralling
In the patch 2.3, Blizzard changed most profession trainers -- including Enchanting -- in order to simplify the process of leveling. In the end, you can now learn Enchanting starting with Apprentice and progressing to Artisan through a teacher in any major capital.
After you cross through the Dark Portal, your Master Enchanting Trainer will be in the questing zone of your faction's initial quest within the Hellfire Peninsula. For the Alliance the location is Johan Barnes at Honor Hold and for the Horde the Felannia at Thrallmar is the same.
All players also have the opportunity to study from two neutral trainers: High Enchanter Bardolan of the Scryers in Shattrath and Asarnan of the Consortium at Stormspire in Netherstorm. You can pick which you prefer.
Between 250-270, you can choose between two distinct things: a bracer to enchant or Lesser Mana Oil. Formula: Lesser Mana Oil is available at Kania in Cenarion Hold when you're in Silithus or close to it. This will allow you to conserve a significant amount of Dream Dust. If not, then making Enchant Bracer - Greater Strength is perfectly acceptable as well.
You will need to buy Formula: Enchant Shield- Greater Stamina before you can continue. The recipe is sold in all major capitals through trade suppliers and vendors, making it easy to locate. It's sold to the Alliance by Mythrin'dir , located in Darnassus, and the Horde can purchase it from Daniel Bartlett in Undercity.
It's an excellent opportunity to stop and purchase Formula: Runed Aracnite Rod and Formula: Empower Cloak - Superior Defense From Lorelae Wintersong in Moonglade.
For the next step, find Madame Ruby in Shattrath’s Lower City. There you can buy Formula: Enchant Shield Major Stamina or Formula: Superior Wizard Oil.
It's also an excellent opportunity to find Formula: Runed Adamantite Rod. The rod can only be found at vendors who are specifically for the faction. The Alliance must head back to Hellfire Peninsula and find Vodesiin at the Temple of Telhamat, and the Horde can remain within Terokkar Forest and head over to Stonebreaker Hold to speak with Rungor.
Before you can start, you'll need to reach Revered rep for The Consortium and with the Sha'tar. If you've already done this, go ahead and find Ythyar in Karazhan first. They'll then sell the Formula: Formula: Enchant Ring Striking. Almaador located in the Terrace of Light at Shattrath, is next. He'll sell you Formula: Enchant Ring - Powerful Healing Power.
Congratulations! Once you've completed the ring enchants, you've capped. Continue reading to find out about the numerous BoP and Reputation-based recipes that are available.
Endgame Enchanting
You can master a range of strong Enchanting techniques starting at skill level 350. Although most require a total of 375, they are extremely sought-after and valuable additions to your spellbook. These recipes are broken into two groups Reputation Rewards as well as BoP drops from mobs. The rewards for reputation are broken down into factions and necessary reputation level below.
BoP recipes are a little more difficult. Some are dropped by certain bosses that are found in dungeons, raids and other dung as well as by mobs during those raids or dungeons. The third set is world drops, which can be obtained by mobs in certain zones. Each is explained, but click through to find out which areas mobs reside in and where to farm them.