Dementia Friendly Nevada Survey Results
Conducted by the Sanford Center at University Nevada Reno
According to the Nevada State Demographer, there are an estimated 286 individuals aged 65+, including 90 individuals aged 85+ living with dementia in Humboldt County.
It is estimated that 41 of those individuals aged 65+ who are currently living with dementia live alone.
119 residents of Humboldt County completed the Community Awareness Survey, 48.3% of which were completed online.
Top sectors completing the survey were:
Hospitals (22.4%)
Residential care workers (10.3%), and
Neighbors (10.3%)
Of note, the business / retail sector comprised 8.4% of responses.
66% of respondents reported some form of personal relationship with someone who is currently living with or who had lived with dementia.
Overall, respondents in Humboldt County reported positive attitudes toward individuals living with dementia with a score of 104/140 (74%).
Respondents reported a moderately high level of comfort in engaging with individuals with dementia (58 out of a possible 84).
Respondents reported relatively high knowledge (45 out of a possible 56).
Considering sectors, individuals from Residential care (113) reported the highest positive attitudes, whereas individuals from the business/retail and general community sectors (96) reported the lowest score.
Key community strengths reported include:
1) area support groups
2) senior centers, and
3) the local long term care home
Key community weaknesses reported include:
1) educational regarding dementia
2) clinical services (tied with #1), and
3) community-based supports
Key community resources reported include:
1) the local senior center
2) a clinical service provider, and
Service priorities, as ranked by the community, were:
1) raising awareness of available resources and supportive services
2) raising awareness of the warning signs of dementia
3) increasing staff and volunteer training in helping individuals with dementia
4) increasing community members' skills in interacting with individuals with dementia, and
5) increasing available dementia related resources