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Wellness, Art and Music Project (WAM)


The Expressive Arts Activity Book by Suzanne Darley and Wende Heath

This book is packed with information including why art is so valuable to cognition plus the description of a wide variety of engaging activities that are simple and inexpensive to implement.

Art Therapy and Creative Coping Techniques for Older Adults by Susan I. Buchalter

Full of projects geared for older adults, activities vary from easy to more difficult thus reaching an array of participant needs. Many older adults face sadness, loneliness, aches and pains, poor memory, being patronized, and dealing with difficulty coping. Art, music and movement are enjoyable, skill building and provides a sense of purpose.


The Art Therapy Sourcebook by Cathy A. Malchiodi, ATR, LPCC

Colors, shapes, lines, and images speak in ways that words cannot. Art, according to the author, is one of the oldest forms of healing. It is a communicator of ideas and feelings plus can portray the deepest emotions. From collages to watercolors, this book offers activities to suit every need.


Dementia Arts – Celebrating Creativity in Elder Care by Gary Glazner

In recipe card format activities range from poetry and writing prompts to music and memory projects, this book provides the ingredients for making a creative difference in the lives of those with dementia and their caregivers and friends.


I Remember Better When I Paint by Berna G. Huebner and Hilgos

The book based on the documentary conveys valuable scientific information on how Alzheimer's and other dementias affect the brain and how art and creative therapies are often able to bypass the limitations imposed by those changes and reach areas of emotion, creativity, and expression.


Java Music Club

Java Group Programs are the first standardized peer support interventions designed to address the critical rates of depression and loneliness across the senior living spectrum.

The programs are research-based and successfully tested for effectiveness. Using a portion of our Dementia Friendly Nevada grant funds our Wellness, Art, and Music Project is excited to utilize aspects of the program in our work.

© 2020 Age & Dementia Friendly of Winnemucca

For additional information, please contact Gini Cunningham -

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