TFAD Recommendation #8
Dementia Training
Dementia training expands the dementia care requirements for all long-term services and supports providers to ensure that all direct care staff for those living with dementia have the information needed to offer person-directed and relationship-centered care. Dementia training should mandate and enforce the identification, adoption, and implementation of established dementia care training. Such training should be available to all residential, long-term care and community-based aging service organizations through leveraging key partners to implement and evaluate in-person and/or online trainings.
Blog #15
TFAD Recommendation #9
TFAD supports collaboration between various organizations including non-profits, service organizations, healthcare institutions, faith-based organizations, and high education which have existing programs to recruit and train volunteers in delivering support programs and services. This commitment to education infrastructure and support improves effectiveness which includes abundant training and train-the-trainer models that permit and build capacity among volunteers to share their knowledge along with reliable information on brain health, dependable tools, and up-to-date resources in communities while finding and recruiting residents to continue to learn more about Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Increased outreach and personal connections among volunteers and community members de-stigmatizes and reduces fear and misunderstanding associated with dementia through open conversation and ongoing education and engagement opportunities.
In supporting age- and dementia-friendly communities, volunteers will learn how to promote each person’s well-being, both the individual living with dementia and the family, as well as preserve personal dignity and respect in everyday community life. Competent and confident volunteers offer capabilities and wisdom in this vital role.
This has been a primary goal for me – to have informed community members who can love and support those living with dementia and their families. While the support of Nevada is valuable, so much of volunteering comes from the community itself – that’s what makes our work sustainable. We:
· Live here
· Enjoy life here
· Care about our community and its members
· Want to make a positive difference in the lives of others